Every morning I wake up on

The wrong side of capitalism

Panglossian marxists

I wrote a long post explaining why Socialism in an age of waiting is wrong, both in general and in the specific case of suggesting that marxists should recognise the progressive role of capitalism, and hence support the Iraq war. Unfortunately, Firebird, that filthy commie browser, crashed before I could post it. Suffice it to say that they owe more to Dr Pangloss than to Marx. Capitalism is not a progressive step, the brutalities of which are a sorry price that inevitably leads to the best of all possible worlds. Capitalism has always been a process of class struggle, not internally progressive, but only progressive when forced to be by the resistance of the working class. Communism is this immanent resistance, and so to be communist we must resist capital in Iraq and at home.

But my original post was much better, including a proper argument, as well as digressions about how great Stalin and Mao were, and my favourite insult of Karl Popper. Still, I did at least manage to prove to my own, if to no-one else’s, satisfaction, that subjectivist marxism is, with the possible exception of the renaissance, Italy’s greatest contribution to world history.

Original article (including comments)


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