Every morning I wake up on

The wrong side of capitalism

The non-philosopher’s magazine

The Philosophers’ Magazine entered the world of philosophy about the same time I did, but I fear its decline has been even more precipitous than my own . While I sit here not reading Hegel, I am at least aware that reading Hegel would be a good thing to do. TPM, meanwhile, seems to think that publishing complete nonsense is the thing to do. As a summary of feminism, “the argument runs something like this. Men have all the power, men are evil, so all power relationships with men are evil,� would be execrable on a right-wing blog. I can’t think what could posess a website with intellectual pretensions to publish it (amusingly, it also gets bell hooks’s name wrong, but that’s probably a subbing error).

Still, looking at the contents for the most recent issue, it looks like the paper edition still publishes proper philosophy, and it’s just the website that is full of crap. The website is also edited by a different person from the print magazine, so I guess we know who to blame. Maybe I’m being a bit elitist, but wouldn’t you expect the editor of the Philosophers’ Magazine to be, well, a philosopher?

Incidentally, I do plan to read some Hegel in the near future (probably when I’ve finished the Larousse Encyclopedia of Music). I was thinking of tackling the shorter Logic again (which I attempted to skim through as background for reading the Lectures on Aesthetics as an undergraduate — it’s not really the sort of book where that works), or having a go at the Phenomenology of Spirit. Any recommendations on what to read, or which editions? I’m particularly interested in stuff which influenced Marx and/or Deleuze.

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