Every morning I wake up on

The wrong side of capitalism

Impeach Blair

So, somebody (i.e., not me) has finally got off their asses and started the process to impeach Tony Blair. At this point, it’s probably a good idea to remind everyone that we do have legal precedent to behead a ruler for the crime of tyranny.

I don’t know a lot about the internal structure of the Labour
party, but is there not some way for the party to impeach (or
otherwise remove) Tony Blair? His repeated claims that he will go
ahead with foundation hospitals, for example, regardless of the
opinion of the party conference, is an obvious affront to
democracy. The whole bloody point of the Labour party is that its
policy isn’t determined by the leader or an elite group, but
by its members. Blair seems to have forgotten that, and he needs
reminding. The best way to do that is to remove him

And getting rid of Tony Blair would be a victory for the anti-war
movement. Replacing him with Brown may not be much of an improvement,
but that’s not the point. Remember all the talk back in March of
making Tony Blair pay the political price for Iraq? Well, stopping
being Prime Minister is a big political price, and Gordon Brown is the
only realistic alternative. The symbolism of getting rid of Blair is
much more important than the (minimal) political differences we’d get
by promoting Brown.

On a related note, why aren’t we protesting outside the Labour
Party Conference? It only occoured to me this morning, and it’s a bit
late now, but a big protest (and maybe direct action, too) outside the
conference would have had a bigger effect than the boring walk through
London of last weekends anti-occupation demonstration. As much as I’d
like to blame the StWC for this, I was just as unimaginative as them,
and so (as far as I can see) has everyone else been. The anti-war
movement really dropped the ball on this one.

Original article (including comments)


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