Every morning I wake up on

The wrong side of capitalism

mai più senza fucile…

it’s good to see that the old toni negri is still in there somewhere. he says, in an excerpt from an interview in La Vanguardia, by Victor M. Amela.


VA: And you wager on multitudes…?

TN: On the multitudes as multiplicity of singularities capable of
recogizing itself in the common, of autonomously expressing its
reasons. And it is intelligent. This power exists and we have to
develop it today.

VA: And if not, what?

TN: If not, empire: that is to say, the global government that the
global market requires. And, thus, always someone who will decide over
us! Someone who will decided wars, for example.

VA: I don’t know if that can be remedied…

TN: Yes: the multitude should have arms available. Everyone should
have arms freely, as happens in the United States.

VA: Are speaking seriously?

TN: Yes. I know it can have negative effects, like the case of
Columbine… but this clearly it’s clear that the only democratic
defence is resistance from inside the community. It is the guarantee
of peace, of avoiding wars made today by armies that, made up of
mercenaries, act as global police.

incidentally, tim might want to work the next article in La Vanguardia, on how Playboy defends the rights of women, into his “tart” argument…



  1. thanks for the accent…

    Comment by geo @ 11/27/2004 6:22 pm

  2. The pike in the thatch, eh? My respect for Negri has just gone
    up a lot. I still think “Empire” is a load of old twaddle though.
    Perhaps “Empire Strikes Back” will be better…

    Comment by Sarcy Fenian @ 11/27/2004 8:49 pm

  3. I don’t think Rachel will mind me mentioning that, for some time, her e-mail signature was:

    “England’s need, [Ireland’s] opportunity. The men are ready. The guns must be got, and at once.”

    – From an Irish paper before the Easter rebellion in 1916

    Comment by Tim @ 11/30/2004 12:37 am

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