Every morning I wake up on

The wrong side of capitalism


I haven’t posted anything for ages mostly because I’ve been ill or busy. I’ve actually completely given up activism now (apart from - I have to book a room for a southcoast indymedia meeting). This has left something of a void, which I have to fill up before I become an alcoholic. I’ve started reading the wretched of the earth by fanon, which seems really good but I don’t think my brain is in a fit state to recall any of it at the moment, so will probably post more on it soon.

Earlier, I found on the sussex union website the information about Autonomous, the group I used to be involved in. I thought this quote was quite good:

>A spectre is haunting Sussex…The bete noire of enterprising vice-chancellors and stalinist union officials alike, Autonomous has been accused of being behind a list of scandals over the past 10 years, including strikes, occupations and forms of sabotage. Leaving aside the questionable accuracy of such allegations, it is important that Autonomous should be judged not according to the superficially scandalous aspects of certain manifestations through which it makes its appearance, but according to its essentially scandalous central truth.


One comment

  1. “Essentially scandalous central truth” is a good phrase. CAN needs more of that sort of thing, I think. Sorry to hear you’ve been ill. Becoming an alcoholic is good, in fact praiseworthy, as long as you continue reading Fanon (you can be an embittered drunk existentialist); if you find yourself preferring Leo Strauss, you may be in danger of turning into Christopher Hitchens (in which case you should immediately start reading Burke, so you can go the full way and become Peter Hitchens).

    Comment by Tim @ 2/2/2005 3:44 pm

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