Every morning I wake up on

The wrong side of capitalism

“So I phoned up Nasa and said, ‘We want to put Mick Jagger on a rocket’”

There was a terrible programme on the BBC yesterday about Live Aid; terrible in an instructive way, quite apart from being absurdly long. You might have imagined in advance that hearing about how such an enormous event was organised would be at least somewhat interesting. But no — except for the Spinal Tap style plan to have Bowie and Jagger do a duet from two different rockets. The talking heads had clearly been coached to make sure any trace of interest had been expunged, and what we got was a programme which explained that organising Live Aid was exactly like organising any other event. Probably a bit more interesting than organising a party, a bit less interesting than organising a trip.

Also, are George Orwell and Freddie Mercury related? I think we should be told.


One comment

  1. erm…obviously not?

    Comment by leila @ 6/22/2005 9:04 am

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