Every morning I wake up on

The wrong side of capitalism

True story

So, a guy comes into the media centre and says to manos, “I’m looking for a Marxist, maybe kind of a Maoist, or a Negrian?” So manos points him in my direction, and I get into a conversation with a very enthusiastic, slightly drunk Scottish theory junkie about Badiou, the day’s events and the possibilities for liberatory practice. This was terminated by the arrival of a line of cops outside the IMC and my running downstairs to help man the front desk.

Meanwhile, Make Poverty History at k-punk and at DRL.



  1. you should’ve asked the people why the color chosen was white. usually, you’ll get some racist bollocks about it being the color of purity and innocence (this just doesn’t seem to register to most people. shocking.) all the more striking when poverty in africa is the subject: make africa white seems to be the message.

    Comment by geo @ 7/5/2005 10:38 pm

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