Every morning I wake up on

The wrong side of capitalism


So I was walking into school today, hurrying to class, when I see a group of people standing in front of Sather Gate, singing. “Not more glee club bullshit,” I think (Berkeley appears to be infested with barbershop quartets). Then I notice they’re all holding placards denouncing Dick Cheney and some obscure banker called Felix Rohatyn. It turns out they were a choir of LaRouchies, singing medieval counterpoint and advocating using nuclear bombs on the moon, for reasons I couldn’t quite figure out.

In other insane conspiracy news, I recently discovered an article claiming that the Queen is buying up large tracts of land in the US and using them to build airports for freemasons. Her dastardly purposes in this endeavour remain obscure.



  1. Best bit of the Wikipedia article:

    “He was also bullied, after being told by his parents, who were both Quakers that under no circumstances could he fight with other children even in self-defense. This advice led to “years of hell” for him from bullies at school[6], as a result of which he spent much of his time alone, taking long walks and finding solace in the works of Descartes, Leibniz, and Kant, later describing the bullies in his autobiography The Power of Reason as “unwitting followers of David Hume” ([6]p.5).”

    Comment by Stefan @ 4/26/2006 4:35 am

  2. Help. Do you know anything about Lacoue-Labarthe?



    Comment by Leila @ 5/3/2006 6:15 am

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