Every morning I wake up on

The wrong side of capitalism

“The eternal is in any case more the ruffle on a dress than some idea”

In the almost a month since I last posted anything here, I have mostly been either writing or grading papers. Interestingly, it turns out that if I’m too busy to write here, I end up sublimating ideas for posts into whatever I am writing. Hence, what was going to be a post on Benjamin and Girls Aloud worked its way into a paper on Marx [PDF]. I’m not sure I like the American academic schedule; maybe I’m just doing it wrong, but it seems like you’re expected to write a lot of papers all at once at the end of the semester, meaning you don’t really get to produce anything more than a first draft. Still, I hope this is a reasonable first draft of the theoretical basis of Marxism-Britneyism-Girls-Aloud-Thought.



  1. Good to hear from you, Tim!

    Comment by rachel @ 5/21/2006 4:27 pm

  2. Write about the MA weekend, give the hipsters in London a take.

    Comment by Richard @ 5/22/2006 6:18 am

  3. Glad you’re back Tim - was wondering what you’d been up to - Marx and Girls Aloud - I should have guessed!

    Comment by infinite thought @ 5/23/2006 5:44 am

  4. question: in canada we also follow (i assume) what you refer to as “the american schedule” - ie., all our papers are due at the end of the semester, which means that you sort of slam them together at the last minute while suffering from mental exhaustion and the desire to just be done.
    How is the schedule different in the UK?

    Comment by elise @ 5/24/2006 10:13 am

  5. Maybe it would be more accurate to describe it as “the schedule for places where I didn’t do my undergraduate degree” - I’m not really sure whether my experience is typical of the UK. But anyway, the main difference I’m thinking of is that, over here, it seems like classes are more-or-less self-contained, and end with a paper or exam. Whereas when I was an undergraduate, the courses weren’t assessed themselves, but were supposed to prepare us for exams at the end of the year. We could substitute papers for some of the exams, in which case we’d spend a whole term writing the paper, working through a number of drafts with our supervisor.

    Comment by tim @ 5/24/2006 11:08 pm

  6. Hellooo…

    BOMBAY, India - Eight bombs hit Bombay’s commuter rail network during rush hour Tuesday evening, killing at least 147 people and wounding more than 400 in what authorities called a well-coordinated terrorist attack….

    Trackback by Blog by weston @ 7/11/2006 9:03 pm

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